have i found you?

It’s the most perfect creature
The most Precious in future

I’ll never forget when I taste it

When touch tell everything
And words say nothing

You’ll be the one
When everything gone

you are the delicious one

Am I? found you?

may be no,,,t yet..

Someone who will give me a promise, to be always with me.. in every moment.. every single time, and every place we go… and till time decide us to broke.. and only death will do that.
I’ll wait for that man Lord.
I’ll wait You  give me a change to be love again. You said.. that marriage it’s about a promise. Right? Holly promise that what You made, never be broke by human. Only death will do that.. right? "For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish 'till death do us part."
I want believe, that someone out there made for me. Someone who will protect me.. and will be home for me. For everything about me.. there’s my name in his pray. And we will grow up together. Build our house together.. heeheh.. Rearrange our room together.. Build our child together.. And make comfort each other… he is my sacrament and I will be his sacrament too..
Where is he?
Where are you boy.. will I wait to long? Or you just wait my call? Hemm… we will meet.. soon.. someday.

Some day…. 



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